2nd Std Boy Continues His Winning Spree in Abacus
Powai - 30 December 07 : The child genius of Raheja Vihar strikes back, creating a sort of records in Abacus contest. If you thought doing 85 complex sums of addition/subtraction in 5 minutes and 98 multiplication sums in 3 minutes was great, then think again.
Aditya a 2nd std student of Bombay Scottish School, Powai completed 92 sums in addition/ subtraction in 5 min and 125 sums of multiplication in 3 minutes in the 4th National SIP Abacus and Mental Arithmetic competition held in Mumbai on 23rd December. He stood 2nd in level 5 of the competition. Thus improving his own performance in recent International competition held in Srilanka on 2 Dec.
Two open spaces to have underground parking
The civic administration€™s drive to improve the condition of traffic in the city by providing parking spaces now seems to come at a cost of Mumbai€™s open spaces.
The administration plans to construct car parks under two well-maintained gardens in the city. It will table a proposal before the civic improvements committee today for inclusion of these plots in the list of plots where construction of one or two-tier parking arrangement with facility for shopping is permissible.
The garden plots€”near Hinduja Hospital in Mahim and Nare Park in Parel€”are both in good shape. As per current reservations on the plots, erecting a parking facility under them is not allowed.
Dadar schoolboy hangs himself
MUMBAI: A 13-year-old schoolboy hanged himself at his plush Shivaji Park residence on Thursday afternoon even as his mother and grandmother were in adjoining rooms. Gaurang Dalvi was a class IX student of the prestigious Bombay Scottish high school in Mahim. He did not leave behind any suicide note. His parents have told the police they never suspected anything wrong and that Gaurang was a happy and friendly youngster.
Teen commits suicide at Shivaji Park
Soaring nursery fees give parents the jitters
MUMBAI: With nursery admissions starting from December, parents have begun the hunt for the perfect school for their children. With pre-primary schools popping up at every corner, parents are spoilt for choice, coupled with the grueling interviews, long queues and donation demands.
However, what bothers them the most is the soaring fee structure. Since no government body regulates the pre-primary schools, the spiralling fees have sent parents in a tizzy.
€œThe average fees charged are around Rs50,000 to Rs1,00,000, with some schools even demanding around Rs50,000 as donations,€ said Vijaya Salunke, a parent.
Students in India learn life skills for preventing HIV/AIDS
MUMBAI, India, 26 August 2005 €“ In the classroom at Bombay Scottish School in Mumbai, the children sing with a passion and maturity, far beyond their teenage years. For they know they are enrolled on a course that might one day save their lives.
This is the latest group of students to go through SALSEP - the School Adolescence Life Skills Education Programme €“ a course that stresses the importance of life skills in tackling a variety of adolescent issues from sex to drug abuse. All of the material is taught with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS prevention.
Bombay Scottish in 'Orkut' Web
According to reports, nearly 60 students of Mahim-based Bombay Scottish High School have used the social networking Web site, Orkut, to air their grievances against the school's Principal, DPN Prasad, and the Vice Principal.
These students have contributed without reservation to a recently set up forum on Orkut, called 'All those who hate DPN', alleging that the Principal along with his Deputy have ruined the image of the school.
Related Story: City principals seek police help to check cyber crime
BSS Famous Ex-Students Article Count: 42
A lot of students from BSS have gone on to become famous personalities in their field of work. If you know any such person, please send me a small note about their achievements and I will add it to this page. One of the names that comes to mind is Aamir Khan.
This page looks very filmy and its probably because they are in the press more, but that is not the intent. :-) I am sure that there are a lot of other students who have gone on to achieve greatness. Please let me know. Thanks to Mustafa Eisa, Harkishin Thadani and Vinod Nair for the information.
Bombay Scottish News Article Count: 13
There are many news stories that appear in the newspaper and on the Internet. This section contains news articles that are related to Bombay Scottish school. If you have any news items to submit, please send me the link or the news.
BSS Pictures Article Count: 12
I have managed to collect a few images of the school, most of which are contributions from ex-students. I have organized the photos by category. If you have any images you would like to share, please do contact me.
Bombay Scottish Businesses Article Count: 2
Bombay Scottish School Businesses
Many of our ex-students are currently running their own businesses and this section of the website lists those businesses. If you would like your business listed here, please drop me a note.
Bombay Scottish School Article Count: 6

Bombay Scottish School, by night
Mapping history of one of city's finest schools
By Noel Keymer - Times of India, Feb 25, 2000
The year was 1847. A small group of Scottish missionaries decide to start a new school. The main objective of the school being to give Scottish orphan children an education so that they could take their rightful place in society as, `honourable and respected citizens'. The missionaries jump started their plan by acquiring a large plot at Mahim bay and started constructing the school, now officially dubbed, `The Bombay Scottish Orphanage'.
Bombay Scottish Orphanage started off humbly with just 12 students, but was still an imposing edifice. Built in the colonial style, it was a single storeyed structure constructed of black granite. The ground floor accommodated the school offices, a chapel cum hall, and two massive bathing rooms. Today, almost a century and a half later, the ancient pantry serves as a staff room for teachers, the bathing rooms and the toilet blocks have been converted into class rooms and computer rooms. And the old chapel is now a hall, called the McKay Hall, in loving memory of its first principal, Adam McKay.
But the hands of time do not change some things. Like the discipline and strict teaching standards, and more materialistically, the 105-year-old Grand Piano, which is still played at assembly everyday, or the 150-year-old banyan tree in the quadrangle, on which many a young boy has skinned his knees while climbing, or while swinging Tarzan-like, from its leafy vines.
Today, Scottish, as the school is lovingly called, boasts a spanking new three storey building, which houses numerous classrooms, a gym and a computer room, and thankfully, the old and the new architecture blend harmoniously together. Bombay Scottish - it's a name to reckon with. A landmark in every sense of the word. An epitome of good education and discipline, and considered by many to be one of the finest schools in the country. On February 18, Bombay Scottish saw students - past and present congregate to celebrate its 153rd founders day, and God willing may it grow in stature and may its present teachers and students take it to new undiscovered heights.