Google SEO Tips
Google SEO Tip #10 - Spelling Mistakes
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- Parent Category: Google Tips
- Category: Google SEO Tips
- Hits: 11618
This is not a tip that I would recommend to everyone but it can be useful under certain circumstances. Many times users do not spell certain words properly and if your website can take advantage of this, then you may be able to get traffic to your site. Having a site full of spelling mistakes compromises the quality of the site and this tip should be used with caution.
Look at the example below. This is a food site and the word "recipe" is a commonly mis-spelt word "receipe", "recepie" etc. The site as you can see from the image below has all the typos in the title bar but does not compromise the quality on the rest of the page.
You can see from the image below that this site gets a number 3 listing on Google when someone searched for the word "receipe"
Google SEO Tip #8 - Keywords in the URL
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- Parent Category: Google Tips
- Category: Google SEO Tips
- Hits: 12372
If you have followed Google SEO Tip #1, you would have already selected your keywords, Banjara Palace Restaurant - Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore. Please read that tip first.
Please read Tip #1 before proceeding.
Tip #8 is a tip that is sometimes easy to and sometimes not so easy. Having the main keywords in the domain name part of the URL is apparently a big plus, but its not always easy to get that. The next best option is to have the keywords as part of the rest of the URL. As an example, these are some of the pages which get me top rankings in Google
- Famous Logos - which is much better than
- World Famous Logos -
- Ajit Jokes -
You can find additional Google SEO tips here.
Google SEO Tip #6 - Keywords in ALT tags
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- Parent Category: Google Tips
- Category: Google SEO Tips
- Hits: 10519
If you have followed Google SEO Tip #1, you would have already selected your keywords, Banjara Palace Restaurant - Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore.
Tip #6 is a tip that I did not know would influence the rankings. This is something most of us do not do and it has to do with placing ALT tags on images. This really has two benefits
1) Google apparently uses it in some way to determine your page's topic
2) This will also show up in image searches which means more traffic to your website.
Also, if you have more than one image on a page, you can put variations of the keywords on each of the images. I would recommend that you keep this tip in mind when you are creating new pages with images.
You can find additional Google SEO tips here.
Google SEO Tip #5 - Keywords in B, U, I, STRONG tags
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- Parent Category: Google Tips
- Category: Google SEO Tips
- Hits: 12211
If you have followed Google SEO Tip #1, you would have already selected your keywords, Banjara Palace Restaurant - Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore.
Tip #5 has to do with placing the keywords within emphasis tags such as <U>, <I> and<B>. The objective of this is tip is again to highlight the main keywods.
<U>Banjara Palace Restaurant- Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore. </U>
<B>Banjara Palace Restaurant- Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore. </B1>
<STRONG>Banjara Palace Restaurant- Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore. </STRONG>
The downside of this tip is not to overdo the uses of these tags. Google will actually delist/ban you from the index if it feels your page is trying to cheat the engine. I personally have not made much use of this particular tip.
You can find additional Google SEO tips here.
Google SEO Tip #4 - Keywords in H1 tag
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- Parent Category: Google Tips
- Category: Google SEO Tips
- Hits: 14386
If you have followed Google SEO Tip #1, you would have already selected your keywords, Banjara Palace Restaurant - Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore.
Tip #4 has to do with placing the keywords within an <H1> tag and that too as close to the top as possible. The objective of doing this is to highlight the main topic of the page.
<H1>Banjara Palace Restaurant- Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore. </H1>
The downside of this tip is not to overdo the H1 tag. Google will actually delist/ban you from the index. I personally have only 1 <H1> tag on a given page.
You can find additional Google SEO tips here.
Google SEO Tip #3 - Keywords in META tag
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- Parent Category: Google Tips
- Category: Google SEO Tips
- Hits: 13639
If you have followed Google SEO Tip #1, you would have already selected your keywords, Banjara Palace Restaurant - Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore.
Tip #3 is also a fairly simple tip. Make sure that the keywords you have selected appear in the <META> tag as follows
<META name='description' content='Banjara Palace Restaurant Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore'>
<META name='keywords' content='Banjara Palace Restaurant Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore'>
There is some debate about the usefulness of adding the META tags as the Google Search Engine apparently ignores this. However, my thought is that there is no harm in implementing this for two reasons
1) Google may decide to use it in a future version of the algorithm (which is changing all the time).
2) Adding these META tags may tune your pages for some other search engines.
You can find additional Google SEO tips here.
Google SEO Tip #2 - Keywords in TITLE tag
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- Parent Category: Google Tips
- Category: Google SEO Tips
- Hits: 11985
If you have followed Google SEO Tip #1, you would have already selected your keywords, Banjara Palace Restaurant - Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore.
Tip #2 is a fairly simple tip. Make sure that the keywords you have selected appear in the <TITLE> tag as follows
<TITLE> Banjara Palace Restaurant - Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore</TITLE>
Make sure every page on your website has a unique title that represents the content page e.g
<TITLE> Banjara Palace Restauurant - Malleshwaram Bangalore - Menu </TITLE>
<TITLE> Banjara Palace Restauurant - Malleshwaram Bangalore - Contact Us</TITLE>
You can find additional Google SEO tips here.
Google SEO Tip #1 - Choose the right Keywords
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- Parent Category: Google Tips
- Category: Google SEO Tips
- Hits: 14966
The fact that you are reading this article means that you have some interest in tuning your website in order to get additional traffic to it. As you all know, I insist that anyone claming to get you top rankings in Google is probably cheating you in some way. The tips I am suggesting are ones that I have personally tried and have had very good success with. I wish you luck with the same.
The first and most important thing you will have to do is determine the keywords you are tuning your website for. The trick here is to determine what your potential users are likely to search for. Also remember, do not try and tune for generic keywords because there will be a ton of other sites who have already tuned for it. Lets take an example. Lets say you have an Indian Restaurant called Banjara Palace in Bangalore. The first instinct may be to tune for "Banjara Palace" or "Indian Restaurant". Anyone who already knows your name is not your target audience, although its important to tune for your name as well. Even if you get in the top list for Indian Restaurant, whats the point, someone in Japan who searches finds you will probably never come to Malleshwaram for lunch.
If you think carefully as to how your customer may be looking for you, you may come up with a different set of answers.
1. What type of cusine is your customer looking for - Andhra, South Indian
2. What words will they be looking for - cuisine, food
3. What location will they be searching for - Malleshwaram, Bangalore
4. What description will they be looking for - cheap, tasty
Based on this information, you may come up with a new set of keywords "Banjara Palace Restaurant - Tasty Andhra food in Malleshwaram Bangalore"
Remember, choosing the right set of keywords is the most important step. Spend a lot of time before you proceed to implementing the other tips.